(NOTE - The following is a sample list of EMG equipment.
Not all equipment is guaranteed to still be available
when you read this, please call to check for
current availability.)
- Nicolet Viking II 2 channel EMG,NCV,SSEP Sell for $4,000.00
(click here to see picture)

2011 Nicolet Natus EDX EMG/NCV/EP 2ch, like new, Windows 10 laptop preloaded with either Synergy or Quest version 22 programs, Two-channel EDX preamplifier, EDX stimulator, footswitch, surface electrode kit
Warranty: 6 months.
Sale for $8,999.00

NICOLET VIKING SELECT, Made in 2008. Portable with Laptop,Base,Preamp,Stimulater,EMG,NCV,SSEP. Sell for $6,499.00
 Nicolet Viking Quest -
EMG/NCV/SSEP machine with base, laptop, preamp, stimulator, soft case - made 2001. Sale for $3,999.00

Nicolet Compass 2 channel EMG,NCV,SSEP machine with base, laptop, preamp, stimulator, soft case. Sale for $2,999.00

Nicolet Viking Select -
2009 Nicolet Viking Quest 2 channel EMG/NCV/SSEP system with base, laptop, pream, and stimulator for $6,999.00(click here to see picture)

Nicolet Viking Select -
2012 Nicolet Viking Quest 2 channel EMG/NCV/SSEP system with base, laptop, pream, and stimulator for $7,999.00(click here to see picture)

XLTEK 1002CE -
black Refurbish, made 2008 2 channel EMG,NCV,SSEP with Preamp, Stimulator and Foot
Switch and Soft Case,With USB conectio.six months warrenty Sale for $5,500.00,Six months Warranty
(click here to see picture)

XLTEK 1002 CE-White Refurbish , made 2009, 4 chanel EMG, NCV, SSEP system with base, preamp, stimulator and all connecting cables. Six months warranty .Sale for $6,800.00
(click here to see picture)

XLTEK 1004 -
Refurbish, made 2006 4 channel EMG,NCV,SSEP with Preamp, Stimulator and Foot
Switch and Soft Case. Sale for $5,555.Six months warranty.
(click here to see picture)

XLTEK 1002 -
Refurbish, made 2006 2 channel EMG,NCV,SSEP with Preamp, Stimulator and Foot
Switch and Soft Case Sale for $4,999.00
(click here to see picture)

XLTEK 1002 -
Refurbish made 2000 2 channel EMG,NCV,SSEP with Preamp, Stimulator and Foot
Switch and Soft Case Sale for $4,500.00
(click here to see picture)

Neuromax 1000 EMG System Portable - 2 channel EMG, NCV, SSEP
with soft case, made 2000 Sale for $2,800.00
(click here to see picture)

XLTEK Xcalibur - Refurbish Xltek Xcalibur with Labtop made 2008 EMG/NCV/SSEP System with preamp, stimulator all connecting cables and soft case. Sale for $4,999.00
(click here to see picture)

2014 Cadwell Sierra Summit, like new, with base, Windows 10 laptop, 2 channel amplifier, Sierra Summit electrical stimulator, footswitch, surface electrode kit and carrying case.
Warranty: 6 months.
Sale for $9,999.00

2014 Cadwell Sierra Ascent, like new, with base, laptop, 2 channel amplifier, stimulator and all connecting cables.
Warranty: 6 months.
Sale for $7,999.00

Cadwell Sierra Wave, Refurbish made 2010, EMG/ NCV/SSEP and Blink. It comes with preamp,
stimulator and foot switch,softcase.Sale for $5,999.00
(click here to see picture)

Cadwell Sierra Wave,Refurbish made 2007, EMG/ NCV/SSEP and Blink. It comes with preamp,
stimulator and foot switch,sot case Sale for $5,499.00
(click here to see picture)

Cadwell Sierra Wedge -
Refurbish Model 2002-2003, 2 Channel, EMG/NCV/SSEP with Toshiba Laptop. Sale for $4,999..00 (click here to see picture)

Caldwell 6200A - two channel EMG, NCV, SSEP with preamp, stimulator, footswitch sale for $3,000.00 excellent working condition. (click here to see picture)

CADWELL 5200A (EMG/NCV/SSEP) Two Channel headbox, Stimulator, Footswitch. Sell for $2,999.
(click here to see picture)

CADWELL 5200A (EMG/NCV/SSEP/EP) Two Channel heabox, Stimulator, Footswitch, headphone, VEP Stim. Sell for $3,499.00
(click here to see picture)

CADWELL CENTRAL LAB (SSEP/EP/BAER) 4 Channel 1998-1999.Sell for $2,500.(click here to see picture)

ALPINE KEYPOINT, 2 Channel, Laptop, Base, EMG,NCV,SSEP. With Softcase. Sell for $2,900.(click here to see picture)

Teca TD50 - two channel machine, EMG, NCV, preamp, stimulator footswitch sale for $4,499.00
(click here to see picture)

Teca Synergy 2003 Model, Portable Toshiba Laptop. EMG/NCV/SSEP machine. 2 channel headbox, Stimulator, and soft case. Sell for $3,999.00
(click here to see picture)

Teca Synergy, made 2000 Cpu,Monitor,Preamp,Stimulator,footswitch with test program EMG,NCV,SSEP. Sell for $3,555.00
(click here to see picture)

Teca Saphire 2M, year 1996, 2 Annal EMG, NCV,SSEP with Preamp, Stimulator, Foot switch, Sell for $2,499.00
(click here to see picture)

TECA TD5 (EMG,NCV) One Channel Machine. Pre-Amp, Stimulator. Sale for $2,999.00
(click here to see picture)

TECA TD20 (EMG, NCV) 2 channel Machine (30lb). Pre-Amp, Stimulator. Sale for $3000.00
(click here to see picture)
TECA TD10 (EMG,NCV) One Channel Machine. (30 lb) Pre-Amp, Stimulator. Sale for $2800.00

Nihon Kohden MEB 9104, 4 Channel EMG/NCV/SSEP/BEAR/VEP made 2004, Laptop, Base, Cart, Printer. Sale for $3,500.00
(click here to see picture)

LBM1 Realtime EMG Display (click here to see picture)
Same as Series 2P below except can have external printer.
5 memory banks in NCV, Averager, 2 time markers per trace, 30 pounds. Sell for $2,800.00

LBM2 Realtime EMG Display (27 lb)(click here to see picture) Same as Series 2P below except without printer. Sell for $2,900.00
LBM3 Realtime EMG Display with Printer (37 lb), Single Channel, Pre-Amp, Stimulator, Footswitch. 10 Memory Banks, Automatic Markers, F, H, Myasthenia Gravis functions. Sell for $2,900.00
Neuro Diagnostics LBM4S single channel EMG (upgradable to 2 channel) (NCV, SSEP) (37 lb). Sell for $3,500.00
Neuro Diagnostics LBM4D 2 channel Pre-Amp, Stimulator, Footswitch. (EMG, NCV & SSEP) (37 lb). Sell for $4,000.00
Neuro Diagnostics LBM4E 2 channel Pre-Amp, Stimulator, Headphone, Black and White Monitor. (EMG, NCV & SSEP, EP) (37 lb). Sell for $4,500.00

Dentec Neuromatic 2000M console. 2 channel, EMG, NCV, SSEP (click here to see picture)
Nihon Koden Neuropak Four,four channel,Head box,cart,SSEP,BEAR,VEP. Sale for $1990.00

Nihon Koden Neuropack MEB M1 9100. 4 Channel with PreAmp stimulator. Complete and excellent shape. Sale for $2,900.00(click here to see picture)

Nihon Kodhen Neuropack two mini w/ cart
(EMG, NCV, SSEP, VEP, BAER) 2 channel made in 1996. Sale for $2,900.00
Shipping-Delivery Separately Quoted
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